Encyclopedia of historical weapons - War axe

The term war axe is not a particular weapon but rather descriptive of an axe designed specifically for use in combat. War axes were generally all metal construction and occasionally double-headed. Their axe heads were often longer and broader than a common woodsman’s axe was.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Mail shirt with elbow-length sleeves, ends in the middle of the beholder’s thighs.
Hand-and-a-half long, straight, double-edged sword with a cruciform hilt. Usually 4-4.5 ft long with a weight of 3-4 lbs. The most…
See Pommel.
Ox-tongue spear
Also called the Langdebeve and Langue de Boeve (both mean tongue of the ox). The ox-tongue spear was a polearm weapon common among the Swiss and…

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