Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Akinakes

The Akinakes was a characteristic Persian sidearm. It was short in length but could be used for both cut and thrust. It is of Scythian origin, adopted by both the Medes and Persians from at least the seventh century until the second century B.C.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Helmet which, with a full visor and bevor, com­pletely encloses the head and face; modern use of the term tends to refer…
Infantry sword with a form of a longsword. Had to be used with both hands. Blade was flat and wide, hexagonal and…
Also volgue. Weapon with a long shaft, made for thrusting in the first place.
Battering Ram
A Battering Ram is a large chunk of wood used to knock down castle walls in the Medieval era. With the weight of at least four men behind it, this…

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