Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Buckler

Small and round hand- shield (9 – 18 inches in diameter) with a single handle or two enarmes. Has long spikes or hooks on its front, which could trap the enemy’s rapier.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Usually metal pieces made specially for their purpose - to protect their wearer's body against thrust, stabs and any other kind of attacks. Comprises…
Bastard sword
Longsword with a longer handle so it can be held by one or two hands. The blade is usually narrowly pointed and quite slender or…
A broad-bladed, single-edged polearm. Mostly an 18” butcher-knife on a 6 - 7’ pole.
In terms of semantics, a baculus is defined as a staff, especially one that symbolizes authority. The term baculus, or baculum, is Latin for staff.…

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