Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Schiavona

Special form of a cut & thrust sword with a cage- hilt and distinctive cat-head-like pommel. Mostly single-edged back-swords but also wide or narrow with a double-edged blade. Has a ricasso for the fingering grip or thumb-rings.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Frankish and Anglo-Saxon throwing spear. Has a long (6 ft) thin iron neck with a barbed head. Almost indentical to the Roman…
Battering Ram
A Battering Ram is a large chunk of wood used to knock down castle walls in the Medieval era. With the weight of at least four men behind it, this…
Ox mace
Mace made of metal; head was shaped like that of an ox's and often had holes in the nostrils so that it whistled when swung.

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