Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Plackart

Part of armor. Covers the wearer's lower rib and stomach area. Attached with straps which allows better flexibility.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Helm, Great Helm
Helmet surrounding the whole head. Usually consist of 4-5 metal plates riveted together. Worn over a mail or a small steel cap.
Two-handed sword
Also slaughtersword. Special and long (5.5-6 ft) type of a great sword with a very long grip compared to its …
War hammer
Also called martel and horseman's pick. A short-hafted hammer used mainly in the late fifteenth and sixteenth cen­turies…
Footman's lance
The footman's lance was essentially a spear used solely for thrusting. Generally, lances were considered to be a cavalry weapon but foot soldiers…

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