Encyclopedia of historical weapons - Klappvisier

A modern term for a globular visor worn in Germany in the fourteenth century to accom­pany the basinet; it only covered the area of the face left exposed by the aventail.

Encyclopedia of historical weapons

From Encyclopedia

Also Bec de Faucon, Pollaxe (misnomer) or Polaxe. Two basic forms – First one has an axe-shaped edged…
Archer’s weapon for launching arrows. Draws 30-36 inches and ranges over 300 yards. Very effective vs. unarmed enemies.
A padded defense made of linen, flax or other fabric, sometimes reinforced and studded. Gamboised cuisses were often worn as an early addition to…
1. a short, close-fitting coat or jacket, often sleeveless, worn in the 16th and 17th centuries 2. a short, sleeveless vest worn by women and girls

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